where to find our flowers

from our farm to your table

our farm stand

open seasonally

Look for our farm-fresh bouquets at our farm stand! You'll find the farm stand near the end of our driveway at 60 Hamburg Rd. SW in Lancaster. Park by the small barn, and you'll find the little green farm stand fully stocked with bouquets and bunches every Friday and Saturday from Easter to Thanksgiving.

Payment is by exact cash, check or Venmo. Our Venmo account handle is @bluegreengardensllc.

Can't get enough  farm-fresh flowers?

keller market house

delivered weekly in season

Keller Market House is a year-round, non-profit community market open 6 days a week. We deliver fresh cut bunches and bouquets to the shop at 134 S. Columbus Street on Wednesdays throughout the growing season (Easter through Thanksgiving).